Monday, April 26, 2010

Knit and Crochet Blog Week Day 1: Starting Out

How and when did you begin knitting/crocheting? Was it a skill passed down through generations of your family, or something you learned from Knitting For Dummies? What or who made you pick up the needles/hook for the first time? Was it the celebrity knitting ‘trend’ or your great aunt Hilda?

I learned the knit stitch from my cousin Jessica- her mom was running a "crafts club" at the time and taught her the knit stitch and not much else. Fun fur on pink sparkly acrylic needles, about as fun to knit as pulling teeth. But hey, I wanted to see if I could do it, and I could, then really promptly forgot about.

Fast-forward a few months, to March 2007. My friend Cait accosted me in the library coffee shop and made me pet some Malabrigo Worsted because it was soft, and told me that if I bought her some, she'd make me some socks. Since it really was soft and she seemed to enjoy knitting, I agreed, and we hopped in her Prius and headed out to the LYS. There, Cait came up with the brilliant idea that I should buy a set of DPNs too and knit my own socks. 

So there's my first project, worsted-weight ankle socks in Malabrigo. They now belong to my best friend Eol, so I have no pictures. It was certainly an ego boost, though, getting on Ravelry and finding out that 99.9% of new knitters are intimidated by socks when they were my first real project!

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