Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Knit and Crochet Blog Week Day 2: An Inspirational Pattern

Blog about a pattern or project which you aspire to. Whether it happens to be because the skills needed are ones which you have not yet acquired, or just because it seems like a huge undertaking of time and dedication, most people feel they still have something to aspire to in their craft. If you don’t feel like you have any left of the mountain of learning yet to climb, say so! 

I've never, ever felt like my skill set isn't sufficient for any project. My skills? They are many, and they are solid. What really limits me is three things: experience, attention span, and yarn budget.

Let's categorize some of my planned but not immediately happening projects by these three things, shall we?

1) Experience: read, "garments intentionally made for other people". I don't want to inflict my garments on others until I feel comfortable shaping them to myself, and I've only made three sweaters for myself so far. Of those, I'm only truly happy with the results on one- that recently completed Ruby Blue, so at least I'm getting better!

I'm stepping out of this comfort zone right now, though. My little sister has the same build as I do- skinny but busty with broad shoulders- so I'm working on a Buttony Sweater from Oh My Stars for her for Christmas. I also have another Christmas sweater in the planning stages... what do you think about Jamesey from the Fall 2006 Knitty? I've always loved this one and have planned on adapting it for myself for ages, but between the time I found the sweater and now I may have met/seduced/fallen deeply in love with my partner :)

2) Attention Span. Have I ever mentioned that I have ADHD? No? Well then, I have inattentive ADHD. I occasionally bounce off the walls, but it's more likely that I'll get bored, fixate on something stupid and time-wasting, and forget about doing the boring thing. Still, I feel compelled to knit blankets. I'm thinking that they might be nice presents for my engaged friends and cousins, so I should probably get on it before they marry, fall out, and get divorced with the blanket still on the needles (just kidding, hopefully!) I also have some very, VERY close friends who I think will be getting engaged in the next few years, and I think they really deserve a Tree of Life Afghan or something similarly beautiful.

3) Yarn Budget. This is my eternal bane. Do you know how much complicated Fair Isle I'd be knitting right now if I had the money to buy dozens of balls of Shetland? Do you know how much I want to make Annie Modesitt's Corset Top? Yeah. I'd say I should get a job, but I have one as a research assistant, it doesn't come with raises, and it's a necessary gateway to get into the field.

On the plus side, in putting this together I may have found my blanket gateway drug. Expect to see this one on the blog soon!

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